Friday, June 25, 2010

no classes on friday

i had just scheduled all of my classes for my junior year of college.
i finagled no classes on friday. none at all.
when i told my mom, she was legitimately concerned that i didn't have any friday classes.
because she thought i would be bored. ha.
i filled those friday's by sleeping in until noon {recovering from the night before}
and trips to the mall, naturally.
wouldn't it be nice to not have to work fridays?
life would be so much better with three day weekends.
now a days, at the ripe old age of 25,
my college girlfriends and i aren't going out on the town on thursday nights...
so i would have more time to appreciate & live life instead of sleeping it off.

happy friday!
image via its mary ruffle

1 comment:

  1. I think this all the time. Right now my office is proposing 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. office hours. Yes please.
