Monday, February 14, 2011

glittery love

today is valentine's day.
and while my wonderful husband is certainly my valentine...
there are a few more people that deserve a mention today.

my parents.
for supporting me in everything that i set out to do. always.
for always telling me how proud i made them.
for giving me a remarkable education and lots of love.
i love you, happy valentines day.

my friends.
for those crazy nights we shared, back in the day.
for staying in touch.
for never failing to share embarrassing stories over drinks when we reunite.
for loving my husband as much as you love me.
i love you, happy valentines day.

and to my husband.
for making me laugh, everyday. for cooking me delicious meals every night.
for making my friends your own. for the "just because gifts."
for sticking with me. for being yourself & letting me be me.
for not banning me from target.
for loving my family. and putting up with my obsession with peppermint.
for letting me be right every once & a while.
i love you, happy valentines day.

i love you garland via the sweetest occasion


  1. Dear Daughter,
    I love the "I Love You" banner and the words to express what is so true about the word LOVE. Loveis just a word until someone comes along to give it meaning. So true. I will always remember all those days of Valentine's Day parties in the primary grades. THose were wonderful years. Remember Miss Knake's room where those wonderful Valentine folders were taped to each desk for the moment when the children would drop a valentine in them and you would come home with at least 30! I, of course, have everything you ever made in the first grade and they are all wonderful. You are the best Valentine's Gift of all..

  2. Aw...your mom's comment was so sweet! She really went down memory lane : )

    I just love your writing style Jessica! Hope you and Chris shared in a wonderful Valentines Day togther!

  3. What a sweet post - and I love your mom's comment too! Y'all about made me tear up. I hope you had a great V-Day!
