Thursday, March 14, 2013


it's been a while since i've visited this corner of the internet.
no excuses, really. just a feeling that we've been busy but not sure with what.
but i do know that i missed it. 

i have a feeling that we should start slow. and with something that's current.

last weekend we:
found a fantastic cocktail at bonefish grill & went to bed before 10:30 on friday.
had our typical dunkin donuts coffee on saturday & sunday mornings.
slept in. worked around the house.
celebrated a friend's 29th birthday & a butler basketball win on saturday.
& we took sampson to lowe's for his first ever visit on sunday.
he loved it. obviously.
this weekend's plans are on par.
being in bed early, celebrating a friend's birthday & shopping around town.
to be honest, low key weekends like that tend to be some of my favorites.