no excuses, really. just a feeling that we've been busy but not sure with what.
but i do know that i missed it.
i have a feeling that we should start slow. and with something that's current.
last weekend we:
found a fantastic cocktail at bonefish grill & went to bed before 10:30 on friday.
had our typical dunkin donuts coffee on saturday & sunday mornings.
slept in. worked around the house.
celebrated a friend's 29th birthday & a butler basketball win on saturday.
& we took sampson to lowe's for his first ever visit on sunday.
he loved it. obviously.
this weekend's plans are on par.
being in bed early, celebrating a friend's birthday & shopping around town.
to be honest, low key weekends like that tend to be some of my favorites.
You were missed! Made me happy to see a new post from you. Glad all is well! Sampson is so precious in that pic! Do you have IG? What's your name. I'd love to find ya and follow! Mine is NBeverly