Thursday, October 13, 2011


sometimes i feel that i don't have too much to blog about.
life isn't that exciting around these parts these days.
wake up. walk dog. get ready. go to work.
work. work. eat lunch {read blogs}. work. work. go home.
eat dinner {prepared by husband}. walk dog. watch tv. go to bed.

but there was a time, back in the day, where life was a little more exciting.
day drinking, spring breaks, sorority socials & bar hopping in broadripple.
blind dates, break-ups, road trips & the hilarity {& innocence} of freshman year.
& other things that cannot and should not be mentioned.
most of which my mother, who reads this blog, doesn't & shouldn't know about.

but someday, i hope our kids ask me about those days.
& i might refuse to tell them until they are out of college, but i hope they ask.
because i was young & wild & free once, and i had a blast.

just don't ask about the motorcycle.

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